Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kroger Rumor

Talk around the blog world is that Kroger is having another Mega Sale next week (8/17)! If so get those coupons and paypal account ready (to buy more coupons)! There were lots of money makers and freebies last sale...I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
If this rumor is true I should be very busy shopping with Kroger and Kmart Super Doubles


  1. This is no rumor! It is coming and it's starting Monday so get those binders ready. These are my FAVORITE sales at Kroger. I always rack up big time when they come along!

  2. Also, watch for Kroger gift card giveaways on your fellow bloggers websites!

  3. I got a flyer from Kroger in the mail the other day. It was advertising the sale, and it included four coupons for items that would be part of the deal. I've never gotten one of these before, so I was pretty excited!

  4. I have some Kroger sale items posted! Still have to do match-ups.
